The Productivity Muslim: Where Faith Meet Productivity by Mohammed Faris
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Chapter 1: What is productivity?
Productivity = focus x energy x time (toward a beneficial goal)
Productivity is not about being busy, it is not an event, it is not boring, and you cannot always be productive.
Chapter 2: Islam and productivity
In this chapter the author connects Islam to productivity and defines the Islamic paradigm of productivity.
1. Purpose-led productivity: Being a slave of Allah and being a successive authority on earth.
"If you’re not going to be a slave to Allah, you’ll be a slave to something or somebody else."
"Productivity in Islam is purposeful, not pointless."
2. Value-Driven Productivity: Some of the examples of values are trust, honesty, excellence, justice, mercy and gentleness. By implements these values to our lives will booster productivity.
3. Soul-Guided Productivity: It required to nourish the soul and to focus on belief in the Hereafter.
Chapter 3: Spiritual Productivity
1. Spiritual energy: It is the energy you get from being close to Allah. Furthermore, the author mentioned Barakah and how it is crucial to productivity.
Practical Tips: To be conscious of Allah and to learn about Him. To recite the dua for leaving the house. To count your blessings and be grateful. To be humble and enjoy what you are doing. Plan your life around salah
2. Spiritual focus: It is the ability to focus on what's truly important in life, especially in relation to the Hereafter.
Practical tips: Clarify your intentions. To create an intentional journal. Make an appointment with the Quran. To read, memorize and reflect on the Quran. To make Istikhara a habit.
3. Spiritual time: It is the "extra" time to get to do things other people barely have time to do.
Practical tips: Appreciate the value of your time and keep track of it. Develop a sense of urgency - start now.
Chapter 4: Physical Productivity
1. Physical Energy
Sleep Management: Perform ablution and pray the night prayer/witr before sleep. Make dua before sleep. Do not eat within three hours of sleep and avoid heavy meal before sleep. Exercise during the day and get some daylight. Avoid caffeine in the evening and avoid device screens before sleep. Read and journal
The author mentioned that our brain and body go through cycles during sleep. The sleep cycles are divided into five stages.
Taking a short nap can improve productivity and performance.
Social solutions for sleep: forgive those who wronged you, resolve conflicts or emotional issues and do not sleep while you are angry.
Nutrition Management: The food we eat can influence our energy and productivity throughout the day.
Physical solutions to managing nutrition: Plan your meal in advance, keep a food diary and fast regular like fasting on Mondays and Thursdays or three days a month. Eat with your hands. Start your day with nutritional food and carry healthy snacks. Eat fruit and be hydrated by drinking plenty of water. As the author mentioned, water is the source of life.
Social solutions to managing nutrition: Share your meal with others. Eat with individual who is health conscious and share food diaries and plans
Fitness Management: Exercise is not only about the body, but also about your brain too. Add movement to your life and track it. Use home video exercises and keep it interesting
2. Physical Focus
To help your mind focus, you need to disconnect and simplify
Disconnect: disconnect time, unplug yourself, change your environment and find solitude in yourself
Simplify: declutter and organize your mind, your life and your surroundings.
3. Physical time
Practical tips: Cut down time wasters. Have a clear routine for the time you are most likely to waste. Use your free time wisely. Schedule your tasks and plan and prepare your day and week. Have early morning routine, there is barakah in the early morning.
"The consequences of procrastination will inevitably be felt sooner or later"
Chapter 5: Social Productivity
1. Social Energy
Practical tips: Get in touch with family, friends and neighbors. Partake in social events and eat with people.
2. Social Focus
Practical tips: Find your passion and define it clearly. Learn new skills and mentor or teach others
3. Social time
Prioritize our time and balance your roles using the Minimum Performance Level Framework
Chapter 6: Linking your productivity to your goals and vision
To have reasonable balanced goals in every aspect of your life and to connect your goals to the Hereafter.
Chapter 7: Developing Productivity Habits
It is the little things that make or break your success
Habits can be changed and adopted
It takes time to form habits. Habits are formed by trigger, routine and reward.
Seven daily spiritually habits to develop:
1. Pray the Sunnah prayers
2. Remembrance of Allah after prayer
3. Morning and evening remembrance
4. Night prayer
5. Duha prayer
6. Supplication before you sleep
7. Recite the Quran 30 minutes each day
Chapter 8: Ramadan and Productivity
Ramadan is the month of barakah.
Fasting gives you a sense of purpose and responsibility and it helps you make smart choices with your time and energy.
Some benefits of fasting are to improve concentration and focus, to allow your body to heal, to be aware of your behavior and thoughts and to reduce time wasters.
Chapter 9: Productivity after death
• Invest in your children, in an ongoing charity, and in yourself.
My Input:
This book is amazing and a source of knowledge. The author connected Islamic teaching and values to productivity. To be success in the life and hereafter, which is our aim. We should be a slave of Allah, follow the teaching of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet. I was introduced to the book by a friend of mine. I was captivated by the title; I borrowed the book from my friend. Before I finished reading the book, I ordered the eBook from Amazon because I realized how impactful the book is, and I wanted to implement its teaching into my life. Reading this had impacted my productivity and it was the leading cause of me starting this website. I also bought the audiobook which I have listened to four times, yes that is correct four times as of today. Insha Allah do not judge. I will listen to it or read it again and again.